In 1995, podiatrist and Ufologist Dr. Roger Lier was introduced to two patients who claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials. And both had evidence to prove it – small, seed-sized implants that had been left inside their bodies. Not only did Dr. Lier remove these implants, he sent them to Los Alamos National Laboratories for analysis. And their best scientists confirmed – the foreign objects did not contain materials from earth.
Episode on CONSPIRACY: Project Stargate on Spotify.

Doctor Roger Lier courtesy of Vice and author Daniel Oberhaus

Implant analyzed under microscope by Lier and his associates courtesy of Vice and author Daniel Oberhaus

Surgical removal of object in Patient Seventeen’s leg courtesy of Vice and author Daniel Oberhaus

X-Rays of Patricia’s Implants courtesy of Derrel Sims and Coast to Coast AM

Alien implant that’s been removed. Courtesy of Derrel Sims and Coast to Coast AM

Derrel Sims collection of implants. Some real, some models. Courtesy of Derrel Sims and Coast to Coast AM
Episode Source Material
- Ex-Pentagon official says VA doctor has seen alien implant. (online article).
- Discovery of radioactive alien implant inside woman confirms UFO Encounter | UFO witness (YouTube video.)
- Aliens secretly implanted ‘slimy’ microchips inside folk after close encounters. (online article).
- Former Pentagon UFO investigator makes claims of ‘non-human’ craft, biological implants in memoir. (online article).
- UFO hunter claims to have found ‘non-human’ implant in veteran: Reality Check | Morning in America (online article.)
- Is there finally proof of alien implants in human bodies? (online article.)
- Alien abduction claims examined. (online article).
- Mission statement and goals. (website).
- Roger Leir. (Wikipedia article).
- Los Alamos National Laboratory. (website).
- Putamen. (Wikipedia article).
- Government-sponsored research on parapsychology. (website).
- The Billfish Foundation tag & release program. (website).
- What is bird banding? (website).
- Roger Leir – obituary. (online article).
- Innovation through the years. (website).
- Roger Leir. (online article).
- FAQs. (website).