HAUNTED: The Amityville House
Competing narratives and fictionalized accounts make it hard to say what exactly happened in the house at 112 Ocean Avenue after the Lutz family moved in.
THE UNKNOWN: The Electric Girl
Angélique Cottin was not your typical 19th-century French teenager.
MYSTICAL: The Lady in Blue
As a cloistered nun in the 17th century, Maria never left her convent in Spain.
THE UNKNOWN: Werewolves
Werewolves have been terrorizing our collective psyche for millennia.
MYSTICAL: The Comte de Saint Germain
In the 18th century, an alchemist and philosopher became something of an international celebrity, rubbing elbows with royalty, predicting violent revolutions, and allegedly unlocking the secret to eternal life.
ALIEN: Ancient Aliens
Fragments of a map from the 1500s sparked a theory that’s been going strong for decades.
DISAPPEARED: Granger Taylor
A 32-year-old resident of Vancouver Island vanishes in November 1980, leaving behind a note that says he’s heading off on an adventure.
ALIEN: Zigmund Adamski
In June 1980, police officer Alan Godfrey investigated the strange death of Zigmund Adamski.
HAUNTED: The Great Amherst Mystery
When strange and terrifying events start happening around 18-year-old Esther Cox, locals blame electricity… then ghosts.
THE UNKNOWN: Time Travel
Time travel seems to be firmly in the realm of science fiction, and yet history is filled with alleged cases — from a traveler who broke the internet, to an Italian priest peering into the past.
MYSTICAL: Wolf Messing
Born in Poland in 1899, Wolf Messing could reportedly read minds, control people’s thoughts, and tell the future.
HAUNTED: The Bell Witch
In 1817, the Bell family noticed strange noises in their log cabin in Red River, Tennessee.