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ALIEN: The Cash-Landrum Incident

ALIEN: The Cash-Landrum Incident

On the night of December 29, 1980, Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum, and Vickie’s grandson Colby were driving through the woods near Dayton, Texas when they encountered a large, diamond-shaped object being pursued by a handful of military choppers.

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DARK WEB: Jack Froese Emails

DARK WEB: Jack Froese Emails

After his sudden death in 2011, friends and family of Jack Froese received mysterious emails from his account containing personal messages and information only Jack could have known.

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HAUNTED: The Amityville House

HAUNTED: The Amityville House

Competing narratives and fictionalized accounts make it hard to say what exactly happened in the house at 112 Ocean Avenue after the Lutz family moved in.

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MYSTICAL: The Comte de Saint Germain

MYSTICAL: The Comte de Saint Germain

In the 18th century, an alchemist and philosopher became something of an international celebrity, rubbing elbows with royalty, predicting violent revolutions, and allegedly unlocking the secret to eternal life.

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